Miniature Airlines

All the behind-the-scenes info, works-in-progress, and gearporn you can stomach.

dimanche, avril 20, 2008

For Reals This Time

Sunday, May 25th, 2008. At the Baltic Room at 1207 Pine Street in Seattle. For the miniscule sum of $10 (or free before 9pm).

That is when the long-awaited live debut of the Miniature Airlines all-singing, all-dancing, three-ring dog and pony show will take place. Mark your calendars, take the next day off of work (Oh! It's Memorial Day! How convenient!), and notify your next of kin, because it's going to motherfucking SLAY.

I've re-started my live set from scratch, scrapping 35 minutes of decent material in favor of 15 minutes (and counting) of sock rocking, break splicing IDM madness. There will also be some exclusive merch and music available to attendees for a small sum. Hjalti will be playing a set that will either strike terror into your heart or lull you into a blissful daydream, and Travis Baron and Levitation Device will be rocking the 12s.

Be there or I will burn your hometown to the ground. For serious, son.

mardi, avril 01, 2008

Slates, Blank and Otherwise

Remember that show I keep threatening? The one that keeps getting a new date? It's got a new date. I'm not telling anyone else what the date is this time, until the promoter announces it or I see it on the venue calendar. Just so I don't jinx it. It's great though. Good date, good venue. Can't wait!

But now I've got time to rethink my approach to my set. And I'm considering starting over.

I kind of like what I have so far. But I also don't want to play music I "kind of" like for my big ol' live debut. I want to play the best music I can put forth. And now that I've got all this extra time, and some new ideas for how to make things easier on myself while performing, I might just start from scratch. Also, the night I was originally going to play was a minimal night, so I sort of catered to that with my material, and now that it's more of a general electronic show, I'm thinking of going in a heavier, darker direction. More breaks, for sure.

Time to get cracking! I also have two websites to launch before the show! More about that later though.