Miniature Airlines

All the behind-the-scenes info, works-in-progress, and gearporn you can stomach.

mardi, avril 01, 2008

Slates, Blank and Otherwise

Remember that show I keep threatening? The one that keeps getting a new date? It's got a new date. I'm not telling anyone else what the date is this time, until the promoter announces it or I see it on the venue calendar. Just so I don't jinx it. It's great though. Good date, good venue. Can't wait!

But now I've got time to rethink my approach to my set. And I'm considering starting over.

I kind of like what I have so far. But I also don't want to play music I "kind of" like for my big ol' live debut. I want to play the best music I can put forth. And now that I've got all this extra time, and some new ideas for how to make things easier on myself while performing, I might just start from scratch. Also, the night I was originally going to play was a minimal night, so I sort of catered to that with my material, and now that it's more of a general electronic show, I'm thinking of going in a heavier, darker direction. More breaks, for sure.

Time to get cracking! I also have two websites to launch before the show! More about that later though.