Miniature Airlines

All the behind-the-scenes info, works-in-progress, and gearporn you can stomach.

mercredi, octobre 08, 2008

In Girlish Curiosity

I've been feeling pretty inspired by what I'm working on lately, and I'm starting to think ambitious thoughts about putting out a new release. Things always take longer than I think they will though, so we'll see how that shapes up. New single soon! Promise! "First Snows of Summer" has changed a lot since it debuted as a work in progress ages ago, and I'm excited about letting that shit drop.

New track up at em411: "In Girlsh Curiosity". Continuing the proud tradition of song titles stolen from Pynchon.

Possibly also another show coming up. I don't have time to make a new set from scratch, but I think I'll be playing a modified, rearranged, and updated version of my Baltic Room set, featuring alternate versions of "Survive to See Tomorrow" and "Horses Never Know The Odds", as well as a bunch of exclusive pieces of music that don't have proper studio versions. I will also possibly be using an exciting new piece of hardware/software that I've recently "invested" in. If I can get it work the way I want. More news about this as it become official.