Miniature Airlines

All the behind-the-scenes info, works-in-progress, and gearporn you can stomach.

dimanche, août 23, 2009

The Chart

See this chart? This chart shows the amount of stuff I need to do to be finished with my current album project(s). Each one of these boxes needs to be checked off. There are 14 tracks that I consider to be contenders for the album, and 6 steps to completing each track. That makes 84 boxes to check off. I've currently got 15 checked off. That may not sound like much, but the first column (composing) is the hardest part, and most of that column is done. Bouncing, mixing, choosing a track order, and mastering are all challenging as well, but less so. The last step, encoding and tagging, is a formality. I guess I could add a check box for artwork as well, since I'll be handling that, as usual.

Anyways, this is a progress report. Expect updates.