Friday night was pretty insane. I'd never been to the Lo-
Fi Lounge before, but I see myself coming back soon. It's a great setup, with two rooms; one large
performance space in the back, and one swank lounge in the front.
Hjalti and I were set up in the DJ booth in the front lounge, which was a lot of fun. Andrew Luck opened the show, with some guest spots by a live MC, then
Hjalti played. His set was unfortunately cut short by some technical difficulties (seemingly caused by excessive heat and an old laptop). What he did play sounded fantastic, especially the heavier elements he's been incorporating lately. The material he played is part of a new album in-progress, so hopefully we'll be hearing some of it soon.
I played afterwards, and I was pretty thrilled with how the set went. It was about a 45 minute set, and I got a decent recording of it, which I'm planning on releasing as a Live
EP after I have a chance to clean it up a little. Two nights before, I started writing a last
minute addition to my set, using a glockenspiel sample kit I'd picked up. It came out so well, that I'll probably expand it and turn it into an official song on my next release. I ended with the loud, feedback-drenched ending of "Survive To See Tomorrow", which sounded great over a decent sized PA. I pushed my laptop a little harder than I normally would at the end, at one point dragging it into stutter land by using 120% of my
available CPU power for effects processing. Also, just to give any Buzz users out there a panic attack, I was playing with Burst Protection turned off. I live dangerously, what can I say.
Erictronic from Team Bonkers picked up where I left off, and got the little lounge moving, and then Travis Baron closed out the night by playing a few records for all the kids who stayed out late. It was completely drunk and
debaucherous by that point, and we dragged our gear up Denny Hill to crash for the evening.
Many thanks to
Timm, Travis,
Grindle, Donna, both Andrews (Luck and
Erictronic, and everyone else who made this night worth coming out for. Hope to see you again soon!