Miniature Airlines

All the behind-the-scenes info, works-in-progress, and gearporn you can stomach.

dimanche, août 17, 2008


There is a new Miniature Airlines release over at the D.iscontent site. It's a split EP with Hjalti, with one new track and one remix each. It's fun. We originally released this to a limited audience at Static Glide Part 2 back in May, but it's now available to the whole wide world. Go get the Perestroika EP now!

Hjalti's debut album has just dropped as well. It's called Winter Asks What We Did in the Summer, and it's fantastic. You should hear it. On headphones.

mercredi, août 06, 2008


Note to self: Great idea for a pair of songs (A-side B-side?). "Everything's Going To Be Alright Alright Alright" and "Keep Telling Yourself And It Might Come True".

I've always loved the idea of paired songs. I have two semi-finished tracks right now called "First Snows of Summer" and "Last Leaves of Spring" that I plan on releasing as a digital single at some point. I've also always had an urge to write a companion track to "A Counter Productive Luxury" titled "A Luxurious Counterpart". Stuff like that.

Maybe I should just write two EPs, where the title of each track on the first EP corresponds to the title of each track on the second EP? Like they're responses to each other or something. Hmm. This could be an idea worth pursuing, if I can ever find the motivation to finish a track again.