Miniature Airlines

All the behind-the-scenes info, works-in-progress, and gearporn you can stomach.

samedi, janvier 12, 2008


Perhaps I spoke too soon. The Capitol Club show isn't least not at the Capitol Club, which now appears to be "Closed for Maintenance" until further notice. The Miniature Airlines/Hjalti debuts might end up happening elsewhere that week, but I'm still waiting on confirmation for that. If not, we'll be trying to set something up later in January. We're not scrambling to finish these live sets for nothing, that's for sure!

Keep an eye on this page, or the Miniature Airlines Myspace. I'll post details once I know them.

vendredi, janvier 04, 2008

Discontented/Live Debut


Wait, what? No further comment for the moment. Keep an eye on that URL this year...

But yes, details for the debut show. I'd love to see you there, while I fumble with my MIDI controller and pray that Buzz doesn't decide to unleash one of it's characteristic bursts of 0dbfs white noise. Hjalti is making his live debut as well. This is history in the making, kids!

Now pardon me, I need to go write more of my live set.