Miniature Airlines

All the behind-the-scenes info, works-in-progress, and gearporn you can stomach.

dimanche, mai 18, 2008

The Good News, The Bad News

The good news: My live set is about 97% finished, give or take a little bit of time spent cleaning up the sounds and adding some extra effects to play around with. The actual composition is basically done, except for about 8-16 bars to take me to an ending point. I know how it's going to end, I just need to actually write it. I'm in the home stretch, barely 7 days away from the show.

The bad news: The software mixer plugin that I'm using has decided to start using an ungodly amount of processor power at a handful of specific points in my set, and I can't figure out why. there are 5-6 transitions that cause the mixer to use 60% (or more) of the CPU power of my Core 2 Duo Macbook. For reference, the normal range of CPU use for that plugin should be closer to 3%, maybe peaking around 10% if I'm moving a lot of faders at once.

So, now I need to spend some time hunting down the cause of this spike, and eliminating it. Because performing live and having your music slow to a crawl and get choppy is pretty wack. For obvious reasons.