The Skillz
I didn't realize this until Thursday night, when Hjalti and I were doing our dry run of our live sets, but I've been working on this set for so long, and setting it up so logically, that I can play it without looking at the screen. I would be sitting there, hunched over my MIDI controller rocking some plugin or other, and I'd look up and see that my screen had gone into screen saver mode. Once I hit F5 (the Buzz shortcut for play), it's all hands on knob action. No mouse clicking and staring at the screen for me! I'm pretty proud of this accomplishment, even though I didn't plan things that way.
If you're reading this blog and I haven't sent you a friend request for D.iscontent on Myspace yet, I recommend you get on over there and yourself to our list of virtual friends. for my own selfish reasons of course. But it will also be informative and useful, as the D.iscontent cadre ramps up their activities over this summer.
If you're reading this blog and I haven't sent you a friend request for D.iscontent on Myspace yet, I recommend you get on over there and yourself to our list of virtual friends. for my own selfish reasons of course. But it will also be informative and useful, as the D.iscontent cadre ramps up their activities over this summer.
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